Monday, March 23, 2009

101 Dalmatians

101 Dalmatians is BY FAR Sam's favorite book right now. When given a chance to pick out his own book, this is it. Sometimes, if I try to read him something else, he'll say "no, no, no, goggies" (aka "doggies"), and then he'll hand me this book. What makes this book cool, besides having lots of dogs in it, is that this was my book when I was a kid, as evidenced below. Now, this particular copy was printed in 1974. Our guess is that more recent printings of this great story do not have Cruella DeVille and the owner of the dalmations smoking in the illustrations. My how times have changed!

Anyway, we will continue to read this to Sam on a daily basis, that is, until he decides that something ELSE is his favorite:-)

1 comment:

Candace said...

Too funny about the smoking thing. Sam just loves to read he is your little book wrom.