Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This was Charlie's first year helping with dyeing Easter eggs. He did a fabulous job! Both boys also helped make our delicious Easter cupcakes too:)

On Easter Sunday, we had an Easter egg hunt for the boys, attended a beautiful Easter mass, and then had most of my family over for Easter lunch and playtime at the park. It was fun hosting our first holiday in our new home!

 Grandpa Roy and the boys were all dressed in yellow and khaki:)

Swimming Lessons

Last year, when Sam had his first swimming class without a parent in the water, it took a couple weeks before he could enter the water without tears. This time he was the first one in the water, full of smiles, chatting with his teacher, and even dunking his whole head in the water (something he didn't even come close to at age three). What a difference a year makes!

The New House

We are all unpacked and settled into our new home. It is definitely nice to have some more space for the boys to play and for our "stuff" to live. Currently, the boys have their own bedrooms, but once Charlie moves to a "big boy bed" sometime this summer, they will share a room once again. They would really like to have bunk beds in their outer space themed room. This, of course, is Sam's idea, but Charlie seems just as enthusiastic about outer space! There are more projects to do around the house - building a deck, getting blinds, finishing the basement - but for now we are just enjoying the newness of the house and getting to know our neighbors and neighborhood. There are tons of kids around, and Sam has even gotten together with a few of them to play. He's becoming more outgoing - he'll see new people walking by and say "hey, let's go meet them"! It's fun to see him get so excited about all the changes that have happened recently.

Moving Day

The boys playing in their empty room for the last time

 Empty closets are a great place to play!

 Of course, it had to snow on a moving day, luckily it was done by mid-morning.
 Laying down on the job!

Sam labeled his own boxes:)