Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Almost done!

I have just TWO days left of student teaching! Just like in my first placement, I'll be happy to be done, but sad to say goodbye to the kids. Middle school has proved (as I anticipated) to be much more challenging in dealing with behavior, but the kids are still really great kids. Middle school is just a tough age. I certainly don't want to relive it! So, now the job search continues. Hopefully, I'll find something soon for the fall and can enjoy the summer a bit. If anyone hears of a need for an ESL teacher, let me know!

Sam will be two on Monday. TWO! I can't believe it. Watch in the next couple of days for a video of Sam reciting the alphabet. Too cute!

Sam in Daddy's glasses


Candace said...

Lil nerd bomber! I know nice Auntie can't wait for your party!!!

Amy said...

Looking very book-smart Samuel!