Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Before we had Sam, Peter and I always went to the same Vietnamese restaurant every Valentine's day. Now, we usually stay in (it's a hard night to get a sitter!), but we still have a great time because we get to spend it with our littlest Valentine:-)We had fondue for dinner. For those of you that haven't done this before, it's a lot of fun. You only cook one piece of food at a time, so it's a slow process, but it's delicious and relaxing. This was Sam's first fondue experience, and even though we had many items to choose from, his favorite was the mozzarella sticks. Since his mom and dad love them too - this was no surprise! We were going to rent a Redbox DVD, but there was nothing good to see AND we do that just about every weekend. So instead, we decided to play a little Trivial Pursuit. Sam was very helpful as he repeatedly moved our game board pieces around the board in which ever direction he pleased. He also caught on quickly to reading the cards. He would draw one out of the box, stare at it, and then "read" it in kiddo gibberish. Too cute. When we were searching for Trivial Pursuit in our game collection, we came across some old cassette tapes from when I was in middle school. These are "mixes" I made by recording songs off of the radio. We decided to put one in for kicks. We reminisced while listening to Under the Bridge, Bohemian Rapcity, Can You Take Me High Enough and a whole slew of sappy love songs that I apparently was pretty fond of back when I was thirteen. The funniest part of the evening was when C&C Music Factory's Everybody Dance Now blared from the cassette tape player, and Sam started doing this weird lip sync and dance routine. Enjoy!


Candace said...

Sounds like a great night! I like the moves sam you will have to teach me sometime!

Ashley said...

He's got some good rhythm! too cute.

Casey and Tom said...

The dancing is too cute!!! I used to record off the radio too! And sometimes even off the answering machine.

It sounds like a lovely Valentines Day!!!

Amy said...

I seriously want a copy of that casette! Fun! The video of Sam reminds me of one Mom and Dad have of Reed at the age of about 3 where he is sanding boards for Dad in the porch and bopping his head around to music. Remember?

Candace said...

You are killing me were is the new post!!!
