Friday, September 02, 2011


Airplanes are a pretty big deal around our house these days. Both boys love to play with them. Sam loves to read about them. Charlie loves to announce "airpane" whenever he sees or hears one go over our house. Sam and I enjoyed putting together a lego airplane during Charlie's naptime last week (too many little pieces for Char-Bar to handle). He got a lego firetruck and a lego airplane from Grandpa and Grandma last Christmas, and we put the firetruck together right away. I saved this one for another special day:) By the way, both of these lego toys are SO cool. Each individual window on the plane is a lego piece that clicks into place. It also comes with a passenger that carries the smallest briefcase I have ever seen (and it even opens!). The plane can actually hold seven lego passengers. I secretly hope (okay, so not so secretly since this is on the internet) that both boys continue to want lego toys because I enjoy putting them together and playing with them too!

Since I helped, Sam wanted to take my picture too.

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