Monday, August 08, 2011


I can't believe that Sam is four. Except, of course, when he asks me questions that I don't even know the answer to. Just sitting and chatting - that's my favorite thing to do with this little boy (excuse me, big boy, he doesn't liked to be called a little boy). He is so curious, thoughtful, sweet, and smart. I just love him to pieces.

Of course, at four, he is also very good at testing his limits. We have lots of conversations about what it means to be a good listener. He makes up for it though. The other day he picked up one of those dandelions that just has the seeds. He said, "Mama, I love these. They are for wishes." Then he said, "I wish for lots of joys for my mama, like that I'm a good listener." Then he blew all the seeds away. I'm a lucky mom!

Here are a few pictures from Sam's fourth birthday. Can you guess his favorite superhero?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sam looks very handsome in those pictures. Although that batman mask is creepy! Sam, listening can be hard to do when there are so many new things in the world to explore! You keep working on it though. I hope your dandelion wish comes true. (Adorable!)