Monday, August 08, 2011

18 Months

At 18 months, Charlie:
*loves to follow around and mimic everything his big brother does (big brother is not always fond of this).

*prefers to play with cars, Batman's bat cave, any type of ball, or any type of "guy" (lego guy, playmobil guy, etc.).

*climbs up the playground and goes down the slide all by himself.

*is becoming more interested in books, though he is very particular about them and only will listen to a select few.

*enjoys coloring with crayons.

*loves to scream. Mom does not love this. Especially in the car or out in public.

*is completely attached to a yellow stuffed duck. He will not go to bed without duck. This is new to us...Sam never got attached to an object in this way. It's pretty cute, but if duck ever gets lost, it will cease to be cute.

*hates sand but will FINALLY walk around in grass without crying.

*loves to splash in any kind of water - pools, lakes, bathtubs.

*does not like to have his food touch each other - no hotdish for this kid!

*is often up before 6:00 am. Mommy is tired.

*is a definite cuddle bug. This comes in handy during those early mornings.

*is exploding with language. Here is a list of his current words, though I'm surely forgetting a few: hi, mama, dada, brabro (brother), baba, hot, duck, bubble, ball, more, car, cracker, ca-ca (color crayon), auntie, book, blueberry, water, guy, please, yes, no, baby, Ah-koo (Oscar) and bat cave, I kid you not, he says bat cave. Okay, so it sounds more like baa-kay, but he is referring to the Batman bat cave.

*understands SO much of what we say to him and is very good at following directions. This impresses me every day. Kids are amazing.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow! First of all, I LOVE that one of his first words is "Auntie" but I am not sure how I feel being in the same pool as "Bat Cave." Charlie, what a loving, cuddly, little boy you are! You also love playing with your cousin Josie. We had a great time at our weekend-long sleepover with you!