Sunday, February 06, 2011

Let Me Hold You Longer

My sister gave Sam a book when he was a baby called Let Me Hold You Longer. This books makes me cry because it is all about a baby boy growing up and going off to college and how, as parents, we document all of their "firsts" (first smile, first step, first day of school, etc.), but we rarely document their "lasts," (the last time rocked to sleep, last time cuddling with a book, you get the picture) and then, too quickly, they are all grown up. I think Sam thinks I'm a little weird when I cry as I read him this book. I don't care though:)

Because of this book, I try to pay attention to these little things, specifically when I know they are the "lasts". Charlie is now one year old. He no longer takes a nuk when he goes down to sleep, he no longer holds still while getting his diaper changed (ahh, such a hassle!), he no longer drinks a bottle. It's all sippy cup for this little guy. I cuddled and held him tight last week as I fed him his very last bottle. Though he didn't think much of it, it was very bittersweet for me as my little baby took a big step towards toddlerhood. My little boys make me very emotional. Peter can vouch for that:)


Kimberly said...

I got teary just reading this post...a good reminder to remember not only the firsts but also the lasts :)

Candace said...

Okay I am sitting at my desk all teary eyed!

Anonymous said...

I don't like endings either.. if only they could stay little a while longer. Love Mom

Amy said...

I remember when I bought you that book. I read it once and immediately thought of little Sam and just had to get it for you. I think it makes you cry because the message is so powerful and true. Holding on to those lasts is something that is easy to forget to do. Now that I too am a Mommy, I can relate on a whole new level. (By the way...It makes me cry every time I read the story "On the Night You Were Born" to Josie.)