Thursday, February 03, 2011

February Already

Charlie's third tooth FINALLY broke through today! This is a very good thing because he's had a lot of trouble with this tooth. He's been very clingy, sad, and in pain. The top gums were so red and swollen, and it was affecting his sleep. The last day or so he's been very, very happy, so it looks like we have our smiley little Charlie back. He doesn't show much interest in walking quite yet, but he's getting better at standing unassisted (by getting better, I mean he's done it for 3-4 seconds a handful of times!). We don't think he officially has any words yet, but he randomly says something that sounds like "hi, Dad" all the time. It's pretty funny, and we like to pretend he knows what he is saying. Just this week, he started playing with Oscar by throwing a ball for him. Oscar will actually bring it back for him to throw again...I definitely have to catch that on video.

Whenever we give attention to Charlie, Sam must get a little jealous because he says "how about you saw another baby that......" and fills in that sentence with whatever Charlie is doing. Sam then does the same thing, looking for the same attention. Below, it was Charlie crawling through the kitchen, and Sam showing that he can do that too.

On the way home from daycare today...
Sam: Jesse and I got to sit at the green table today.
Me: How does Miss Lisa decide who gets to sit at the green table?
Sam: With her brain.

Tonight Sam mentioned (again) that he will marry Bella when he grows up. Then this was the conversation:

Me: How many kids are you going to have?
Sam: Five.
Me: What are you going to name them?
Sam: (with no hesitation) Sam, John, Grandma Carlie, and Maxine.
Peter: That's only four. What about the fifth one?
Sam: (again, no hesitation) Cha-Chi.

Seriously, kids are just too funny!

1 comment:

Karine and Tom said...

Sam is hilarious! I shared his quotes with my family tonight, and he had us all laughing. You've got a funny little man.