Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Yep. That's my age. Only eight years away from 40! My younger sibs like to make fun of me for being "old". Don't worry - you all aren't that far behind! My birthday celebration was great. Peter and I took Sam to his first play - Charlotte's Web. He was completely enthralled, but he was a little confused about why there weren't "real" animals. Then we went home and picked up Charlie (thanks for watching him, Candy!), and we went out for Vietnamese food for dinner, followed by a trip to Byerly's to pick out a birthday dessert. I should say though, that Sam picked it out - a grasshopper pie. Good choice, Sam!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Grasshopper Pie Yummy! Charlie and I had more fun crawling all over and playing didn't we Charlie!