Charlie is now TEN months old! Though he is still sick and suffering from yet another cold and ear infection, he's still our smiley little boy - though these days he prefers to flash those smiles while being held. He pulls himself up to everything now and has even managed to figure out how to get back down. His gums are swollen and those two bottom pearly whites are just waiting to burst through - though I've been saying that for two months. He tries all kinds of table food now, which he LOVES! Some days I think he eats more than Sam. He now takes a bath in the big tub as you will see below, and he has finally starting listening to stories rather than eating the books.
Sam will be three and a half tomorrow! He's such a fun little guy to have around. He loves to talk and asks questions constantly as he tries to soak in everything around him. As any parent knows, this sometimes gets overwhelming. For example, I once overheard Sam ask my dad question after question when finally my dad responded with, "Because Sam. Because is the answer." His favorite things to play with independently are his tools (just like Grandpa Roy) and his flashcards. When we are playing with him, he prefers wrestling, playing bears (one of us is the mommy bear and one is the baby bear - we hibernate and wait for spring to come - and then celebrate when it finally arrives - over and over again - it's really fun - you should try it!), playing school (he likes to be the teacher and quiz us on our letters), and playing memory. He also recently grasped the concepts of addition and subtraction! We are very proud of our little boy:)
As you can see, Charlie definitely gets enough to eat.