Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sam's First Camping Trip

A couple weeks back, Peter and I took Sam camping while Charlie spent a couple nights with Grandpa Roy and Grandma Kim. Sam LOVED every part of the camping trip - setting up and sleeping in a tent, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, playing at the playground, swimming at the beach, kayaking, hiking, more swimming at the beach, playing lots of catch, and telling "scary" stories around the campfire. We can't wait for Charlie to be old enough to do some camping with us too. Sam was very excited that only he got to go since Charlie "is just a baby" and he "is a big boy".
Supervising Daddy putting up the tent

His first s'more - the second night he just opted to eat plain marshmallows. Being goofy in the tent

Waiting around for the big storm, it did hit, but luckily we just had lots of rain, thunder, and lightning - nothing too scary.
Throwing rocks in the lake during our hike
Mommy and Sam at the beach
Daddy and Sam going for a swim

1 comment:

Candace said...

You guys looked like you had a blast! But just so you know Mr Charlie got tons of attention at Grandma and Grandpa's!