Tuesday, February 02, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Charlie is two weeks old already! He had a doctor appointment yesterday, and he's doing just great. He's already past his birth weight (they usually drop in weight after they are born and are supposed to be back up to their birth weight at two weeks of age). He's now 7 lbs, 12.8 oz. When we met with the lactation consultant when he was six days old, he was at 6 lbs, 15 oz, so he is definitely getting enough to eat! He's also grown an inch in height, but who knows how accurate that is when they just stretch the little guy out on the table. He also managed to pee on the exam table THREE times!

He's been a great baby, and we are loving every minute of him. Sam doesn't seem very interested in him most of the time. Though last night while Charlie was in his bouncy seat, Sam went over to say "hi baby Charlie" and pat his head. Sam has also been a good helper at diaper changing and bath time by getting a new diaper out for Charlie and getting bath toys for him. Of course, Charlie doesn't play with these toys, but he will someday:-)

Here Charlie is waving hello, really, really fast...
The smallest person in our house creates the most dirty laundry.
We have also affectionately nicknamed him, Pukey. Below you can see why.
Charlie and Daddy
Though he does have longer periods of alertness now,
this is still how he spends most of his time.

Bath time


Candace said...

I don't know I still don't think he looks a lot like Sam. He is his own little person that is for sure! I like how he can wave already!

Candace said...

PS that brown striped hat I gave Charlie really goes with a lot his outfits! Charlie you look good in it too!

Amy said...

I love you Charlie!!!