Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Dinosaur Party

Sam picked the theme (dinosaurs) and the menu (pepperoni and olive pizza, chocolate cake, and strawberry ice cream) for his party this year. It makes it a lot of fun when he actually has an opinion about it! We headed up to Peter's parents' house up north for the festivities this year.

Sam's dinosaur cake - and I made it myself:)
The three boys having a balloon fight with 93 year-old Great-Grandma Carlie! Excited to open gifts! Sam with his cousins, Wyatt and Will

Playing a little "pin the skull on the dinosaur skeleton". It was the only dinosaur themed game we could find:)

It was a great party. When asked what the best part was, Sam says "the dinosaur balloon and my cake." And now, our adventure of parenting a three year old has begun!


Kimberly said...

Looks like fun! That is the same cake I made for Lucas' first birthday :)

Ashley said...

Yay! I love his cake! It looks like it was a great time!

Candace said...

I am so glad we made it up there for his dinosaur party, we had a greta time!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Sam's party. Nice job on the dinosaur cake, Kristin!