Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A few random pictures

We haven't been up to anything incredibly exciting lately. Just lots of school work for me and work for Peter. Last week I finished up my field placement at Wellstone International School, where I had the opportunity to observe classrooms and teach a few lessons. It was a lot of fun and confirmed that teaching ESL does feel like the right fit for me (whew!). Thank you so much to Peter's mom, my mom, Jenn, Luke, and Leanne for all your help watching Sam over the course of my time volunteering at Wellstone the last two months. We really appreciate it!

We got a little snow last week, though it was gone by lunch time. Even so, Sam got to try out his new snowsuit, which makes him look like he doubled in size!

Oscar was outside with us, and Sam knows just where we keep Oscar's sticks for a game of fetch.

Sam reading the paper...
Sam enjoying chocolate ice cream...

This morning's beautiful sunrise out our front window...
Sam on the phone...one of his favorite activities!


Anonymous said...

Wow, no matter how hard you try to deny it he is a Smith. (its the phone thing....) Loved the pictures.
Love Grandma Kim

Candace said...

I love him reading the paper with his messy hair it made me laugh out loud. Him is so cute!

Auntie Candy

Oh I was you to make him say Auntie Candy and then put it on the blog is that too much to ask for! ;)