So last night I took a little video of Sam as he was eating dinner, but he is used to me saying "smile for the camera" for a still picture so that is just what he did!
Lately, whenever Sam gets reprimanded (in this case for throwing food on the floor) he covers his eyes with his hands as if to say, if I can't see you, then you can't see me! Of course, you can always see him peeking through with one eye. As parents trying to reinforce some rules, the toughest part is to not laugh when he does this!

He really is so much more toddler and less baby these days. For instance, after lunch today, I was eating a chocolate chip cookie and set the half eaten cookie on the table as I sorted through some papers. All of a sudden I heard this sneaky little laugh. I looked over to see Sam with the cookie in his hand, and as I got up to get it from him he went running into the living room giggling. When I got to him, he had the cookie shoved into his mouth and was grinning from ear to ear. What a little stinker!
Yesterday, we went to the Mall of America, and for the first time, Sam didn't really care to be in his stroller. Normally he enjoys the ride, but nope, he wanted to walk like a big boy. So he did, and he loved pointing to and saying "ooohh" to everything he saw in Nickelodeon Universe and Legoland. He also loved to peek through the railings at the floor below, and of course, he HAD to play with the Thomas the Train track at Barnes and Noble.

Sam the Plumber